Student Projects
Products, Mobile Apps, Platforms, Thesis Work, and Design Thinking.
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Flex: Airplane Seating Addressing Anti-fat Discrimination
Margarita Zulueta's upcoming thesis, Accepting Fat, proposes fat acceptance through design offerings to combat anti-fat bias. Specifically, her project Flex—a speculative new fleet incorporated into Southwest Airlines—addresses discrimination in airplane systems through the lens of seating.
Haggl.ing: an App and Movement for a Future Cashless Economy
Haggl.ing is a network and app that creates an ecosystem for people to facilitate transactions in their neighborhood using negotiations and trade—all without cash. The project imagines a future cashless economy while building social capital and connections within one's own community. Second-year student Siddhant Goyle created Haggl.ing as part of his MFA thesis—an exploration into the grey market (or the informal economy) and building systems for cashless transactions.
Bonding: a Mental Health Consultant App for Seniors and Their Family
Bonding is a mental health consultant platform for Chinese seniors suffering from depression, and for their children who want to support them. Joey Hang Yuan designed the app as part of his MFA thesis, which focuses on redesigning experiences to keep older adults engaged in social relationships despite the digital divide.
Oasis Market: Finding a Solution to Food Deserts
Oasis Market is an online grocery service that delivers affordable, fresh food to residents living in food deserts. First-year student Stephen Joyce says his speculative company's solution to food apartheid involves combining empathy with economic relativization, investing directly into the communities they serve. "We seek to be an authentic and homegrown voice in our city, and we believe strongly that our primary duty is to our community, not our investors."
Narrateam: Open-Sourcing Intersectional Feminist Resources
First-year, Margarita Zulueta created Narrateam, a platform that offers a centralized database for intersectional feminists to provide their own narratives and learn from the narratives of others, in order to gain a better understanding of the movement. Narrateam members can use the platform to share resources, events, and news items that are relevant to the movement and connect with like-minded individuals and organizations.
Cookspace: Food with Dignity
Cookspace is a membership-based program that provides grocery stores and communal cooking spaces for the homeless and food insecure population within the New York City metro area. Designed by first-year student Regena Reyes, the platform is powered by fresh foods that would otherwise be discarded by local grocery stores and fast-casual restaurants. Cookspace takes these discarded resources and turns them into an opportunity where overlooked communities can purchase, cook, and enjoy nourishing meals.