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Department news, events, and snapshots of student life at SVA in New York City.
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Students Prototype Graphic Design MasterClass with Chris Do!
On Saturday, the students of MFA Products of Design prototyped a full-day masterclass in graphic design with the renown Chris Do. Chris offers an incredible Design Fundamentals: Typography 01 course on his platform, thefutur.com, but this is the first time that he has done a full-day group “watch party” with live critique, along with tips & techniques Q&A session at the end. The students were thrilled with workshop, and can’t wait to put their newfound skills to work. Thank you Chris!

The NYC Connection Initiative: A Resource Guide for the NYC Homeless
The NYC Connection Initiative is an organization that consolidates all of the resources that are available in New York City for the homeless, homeless struggling with mental illness, or for those that are housing unstable. First-year students Baoqi Ding, Virginia Gordon, and Yiming Xu spent 15 weeks researching the complex issue of homelessness in NYC. They designed a handbook, a smartphone app, and an awareness campaign for disseminating resources.

EatThisToo: Eliminate Food Waste Through the Power of Design
EatThisToo is a campaign and series of design interventions that tackle the topic of food waste. Designed by Danica Dou, Danna Krouham, and Joey Hang, the project aims to reeducate the public about edible "food waste"—scraps surprisingly loaded with health benefits. The team chose to focus on behavior change and designed a suite of EatThisToo recipe cards, compost bags, and bands for distribution at farmers' markets and grocery stores.

The Indian Mom: Encouraging Better Eye Health, One Blink at a Time
The Indian Mom is a computer application for students and professionals who experience symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) when they spend more than four hours per day in front of a digital screen. Designed by first-year students Regena Reyes, Xiaohan Miao, and Siddhant Goyle, the app flashes a cartoon image of a multi-tasking "Indian Mom" on the screen, reminding the user to take a blink-break and assisting in completing eye exercises.