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Guest Lecture Video: Sara Hendren
On February 9, 2022, MFA Products of Design was pleased to host a guest lecture by writer, educator, and advocate Sara Hendren. Sara is a humanist in tech—an artist, design researcher, writer, and professor at Olin College of Engineering. Her book What Can A Body Do? How We Meet the Built World explores the places where disability shows up in design.

Guest Lecture Video: Helen Armstrong
On January 20, 2022, MFA Products of Design was pleased to host a guest lecture by writer & educator Helen Armstrong. Helen is a professor of graphic design at North Carolina State University. She authored Graphic Design Theory: Readings from the Field (Princeton Architectural Press, 2009) and co-authored Participate: Designing with User-Generated Content (Princeton Architectural Press, 2011) with Zvezdana Stojmirovic.

Announcing the Spring 2022 Lecture Series
We are delighted to announce our Visiting Lecture Series lineup for the Spring 2022 season. (See all of our department guest lecturers here.) Read more below about Sara Hendren, Helen Armstrong, Mansi Gupta, and Pune Dracker below!

Guest Lecture Video: Lina Srivastava
On November 30, 2021, MFA Products of Design was pleased to host a guest lecture by writer & strategist Lina Srivastava. Her new talk, Building a Just Future: Stories of Transformational Change, unpacks how leadership unfolds and how it can be nurtured to facilitate transformational change in our own communities.

Announcing the Fall 2021 Lecture Series
We are delighted to announce our Visiting Lecture Series lineup for the Fall 2021 season. (See all of our department guest lecturers here.) Read more below about Raja Schaar, Debbie Chachra, Cameron Tonkinwise, and Lina Srivastava below!

Guest Lecture Video: Josh Owen
Last month, MFA Products of Design was proud to host PoD Faculty and Senior Curator of Architecture and Design at MoMA, Paola Antonelli. Paola spoke to us about design emergencies and the activism that can be present at every scale in our day-to-day lives.

Announcing the Spring 2021 Lecture Series
We are delighted to announce our Visiting Lecture Series lineup for the Spring 2021 season. (See all of our department guest lecturers here.) Read more below about Josh Owen, Sloan Leo, Julia Marsh, Liz Obbu, and (our annual “last lecture”) Cameron Tonkinwise below! And if you want to virtually attend one of these events, just DM us on Instagram @svapod!

Guest Lecture Video: Paola Antonelli
Last month, MFA Products of Design was proud to host PoD Faculty and Senior Curator of Architecture and Design at MoMA, Paola Antonelli. Paola spoke to us about design emergencies and the activism that can be present at every scale in our day-to-day lives.
Guest Lecture Video: Mariana Prieto & Danny Alexander
MFA Products of Design was proud to host Design Innovation Lead for the International Rescue Committee, Mariana Prieto and Co-Founder and Chief of Product & Purpose at Who Gives A Crap, Danny Alexander. In their talk, Lion, Toliets, and Bears Oh My!, Mariana and Danny talked to us about their journeys throughout their design careers that have led them to design for good.