Student Projects

Products, Mobile Apps, Platforms, Thesis Work, and Design Thinking.

Latest Projects

Student Projects Allan Chochinov Student Projects Allan Chochinov

CARA: A Menstrual Product and Waste Carrier for Multi-Day Trips Outdoors

CARA is a menstrual product and waste carrier designed for use in multi-day trips outdoors. Designed by recent grad Alexia Cohen as part of her thesis, DARE + DEFY: A Woman’s Place in the Great Outdoors, CARA—from the word carapace, meaning the shell of a turtle—features an expandable waste collection container at the center, with two separate dry enclosures at the top and bottom to keep unused menstrual products, toilet paper, and/or wipes clean and ready to use.

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Student Projects, Thesis Guest User Student Projects, Thesis Guest User

WHEN NO ONE BELIEVES YOU: Redesigning the Rape Kit and Responses to Sexual Assault

Antya Waegemann’s thesis, When No One Believes You: Redesigning the Rape Kit and Responses to Sexual Assault, proposes six different design interventions for sexual assault victims, nurses and the police, to increase report rates, improve the experience of getting a rape kit, and increase rape kit testing, as well as to reduce stigma and shame around sexual assault and increase accountability.

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Student Projects Allan Chochinov Student Projects Allan Chochinov

Designing For Women Vets: Reimagining the Service Experience at the VA Hospital

As part of SVA Products of Design’s partnership with Veterans Affairs (and held through the Design Research and Integration class taught by IDEO’s Lawrence Abrahamson), designers Smruti Adya, Bernice Wong, Lassor Feasley, Juho Lee, Christopher Rand, and Kuan Xu designed a number of solutions to improve women veterans’ experience in three different areas specific to visiting the VA Hospital: Transportation to the hospital; Wayfinding once in the building; and Pre-appointment communications.

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Partnerships, Student Projects Allan Chochinov Partnerships, Student Projects Allan Chochinov

Designing For Women Vets: Introducing An Innovative Mentorship Program

Building on the findings of over 20 first-person interviews with VA staff and discharged veterans, the group surfaced three principal insights: The first is that there is an opportunity to facilitate better communication between veterans—veteran-to-veteran. The team learned that information around the transition to civilian life, and around the available veteran services “is perceived better when it comes straight from a veteran,” the team argued. “Veteran-to-veteran creates a much stronger bond, and the ‘young veteran’ is more likely to pay attention and communicate interest when the information comes directly from the source.”

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Student Projects, Partnerships Allan Chochinov Student Projects, Partnerships Allan Chochinov

Designing For Women Vets: #SheServed Campaign Changes Cultural Norms

As part of SVA Products of Design’s partnership with Veterans Affairs (and held through the Design Research and Integration class taught by IDEO’s Lawrence Abrahamson) , designers Jiani Lin, Alexia Cohen, Teng Yu, William Crum, and Antriksh Nangia used design to examine gender and the military—creating two design proposals aimed at changing the way people “see” women veterans.

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Student work, Student Projects, Thesis Allan Chochinov Student work, Student Projects, Thesis Allan Chochinov

EXPONENT: Amplifying the Female Voices in Tech Discourse

Design strategist and storyteller Roya Ramezani did not feel gender issues in the tech industry before she started working in Silicon Valley—where she found herself in a male-dominated environment in which women were not communicating their ideas. In contrast to the statistics, she joined a diverse team. After a month, however, she discovered something that changed everything: Even when they were equal number as men in the room, women weren’t contributing to the discussions equally. They were being quiet, and she thought of them as “not being present in the meeting room.” Roya’s thesis, entitled Exponent: Amplifying the Female Voices in Tech Discourse, attempts to address these issues using product design, service design design, and platform design.

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