Department Blog

Department news, events, and snapshots of student life at SVA in New York City.

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What is a “Product Designer,” Now?
Allan Chochinov Allan Chochinov

What is a “Product Designer,” Now?

While slices of design practice and expertise are getting thinner than ever, the one term that seems to be increasing in usage is the term “product designer.” This article breaks down the three main flavors of a product designer, what they’re intended to accomplish, and why having expertise in these areas will set you up for the most exciting and impactful career possible.

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Is Design Grad School Worth It in 2024?
Blog Allan Chochinov Blog Allan Chochinov

Is Design Grad School Worth It in 2024?

There are many professions where completing a degree is non-negotiable. While the creative design field isn't necessarily one of them, attempting to learn systems thinking, complex software, advanced skills, and new techniques on your own is certainly a challenge. Additionally, having a formal education under your belt puts you at a competitive advantage during your career search.

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